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A full day of inspiration!

Do you want to get out of the office and experience a meaningful day with your team, your students or clients? Combine your Team,- or Client Day with the latest insights into Impact & Social Entrepreneurship on an innovative Campus.   

Note: Impact Day has to be booked 3 weeks in advance to ensure the quality of the programme and speakers.

A typical day at REC Impact

Morning programme (10:00h - 12:30h)

  • 30 min:  Hello & welcome drinks + Introduction REC Impact & UvA at Roeterseiland 
  • 90 min:  Free time to spend with board, teams or clients
  • 30 min: Presentations on social impact from a startup, academic lead or expert

Lunch & free time to spend with board, teams or clients (12:30h - 14:00h)

  • The event space is open for your to work, collaborate and fill your own programme
  • Lunch is optional and at own expenses

Afternoon programme (14:00h - 16:00h)

  •  Welcome back & refreshment with snack
  • 30 min: presentations on social impact from a startup, academic lead or expert
  • 30 min: Tour Roeterseilandcampus
  • 60 min: Own time Team,- or Client Day

Check out one of our inspiring Impact Days REC Impact has hosted: