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Roeterseiland Campus is home to the University of Amsterdam’s faculties of Law, Social and Behavioural Science, and Economics and Business. The interplay of these disciplines in the heart of Amsterdam makes it a unique centre for education, research and innovation in the Social Sciences. 25,000 students study on the campus, and 2,000 scientists are employed. This makes it one of the largest social science clusters in Europe. You can learn more about the areas of specialisation on Campus.
Faculty of Law

Central to the Amsterdam Law School’s vision are students' professional identity, their ability to tackle contemporary problems with innovative solutions, and professional ethics, allowing them to participate in creating a better future for society.

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Both in education and research, the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences is highly active and involved in multiple projects connected to society. Its work and initiatives have a beneficial impact in the Netherlands and internationally. This impact-driven faculty uses innovative methods to direct its resources to benefit the world.

Faculty of Economics and Business Economics

In all of its initiatives and decisions, the Faculty of Economics and Business aims at creating a stimulating environment for students and researchers, to foster knowledge production and creativity. Connected to many societal actors and organisations, the Faculty strives to bring each of its students, researchers and partners to their full potential, and to enable them to grow and progress.