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Discover how Impact centers bring together science, public institutions, and private organizations for research and applied science. Learn from the Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence (ICAI) about Labs and collaborations, and how they drive innovation.
Event details of Talking (REC) Impact
12 December 2024
12:00 -13:00

The future of science is set to evolve; the focus on education and research will expand to include valorization, innovation, and impact. How can science collaborate with public and private organizations in research and in addressing societal challenges?

The National Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence (ICAI) has a mission to keep the Netherlands at the forefront of AI knowledge and talent development.

By bringing together knowledge institutions, companies, governments, and non-profits, and leveraging their strengths, the Netherlands holds a strong position in this field. To maximize these strengths, ICAI aims to adopt a hubs-and-spokes model, establishing multiple hubs across the country that connect with various regions.

In the current ICAI model, developed over the past two years since its inception in 2018, this approach has proven successful. Labs are founded on local strengths, which ICAI supports and enhances on a national level.

Esther Smit, ICAI business director, will elaborate on the ICAI Labs and what it takes to establish and manage them.

Roeterseilandcampus - building J/K

Valckenierstraat 65-67
1018 XE Amsterdam